NFB Newsline
A service of the National Federation of the Blind of Georgia, with NFB Newsline blind and print-disabled Georgians can access over 250 newspapers and magazines by phone. With a wide variety of publications provide timely information concerning our communities, cities, nation and the world, blind and print-disabled citizens can stay connected to the social and political life of Georgia and the world, and continue to be informed, participating, contributing members of society.
Georgia Radio Reading Service
Georgia Radio Reading Service (GaRRS) is another way for Georgians with visual impairment or other print disabilities to access information. GaRRS is a non-profit closed circuit radio station whose 200 volunteer readers broadcast 150 different radio shows each month including cover-to-cover readings of magazines, newspapers, and books, population-specific programming (Seniors, Veterans and Hispanic/Latino News), public service announcements and information regarding community-support programs and activities.
Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
Georgia Library Service (GLS) for the Blind and Print Disabled is a free braille and talking book library service for individuals who are blind or whose physical abilities require the use of books and magazines in audio, braille or other adapted formats. For a talking book application, you can visit their website or call 1-800-248-6701.
Other Links
Learning Ally, previously named Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic provides recordings for the blind & dyslexic –
Braille Services Braille Works International, Inc. 813 654-4050 ( provides Braille, large print materials, audiocassettes, and diskettes.
Many GDOL Career Centers and some CILs have the availability to convert electronic documents to Braille as well.